At Advance Experts Team Accounting, we are all about SOLUTIONS

We center on personalized service, precision, innovation, transparency, community engagement, and a commitment to growth.

Financial Record Keeping

Effective financial record keeping is the backbone of sound financial management.

Accounts Preparation

Monthly and termly account preparation provides a snapshot and broader perspective of your business’s financial health.

Final Advisory

Final advisory services offer invaluable guidance based on a comprehensive analysis of your financial situation.

Trial Balance Preparation

Trial balance preparation is a critical step in verifying the accuracy of your accounts.

Who We Are

AET Accounting Services ( a subsidiary of Raziela Resources ) is a professional accounting firm dedicated  to providing comprehensive financial solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Our Services

Our services encompass the full spectrum of financial management, ensuring that your business’s financial records are accurate, compliant, and optimized for success.

Our Solutions

We offer a comprehensive suite of tailored financial solutions designed to empower your business.

Some of our ongoing projects and executed ones are detailed here. We invite you to take a look.

Reach Out to Us

Our Philosophy

At AET Accounting Services, our philosophy is grounded in the belief that financial success is not just about numbers; it’s about people and relationships. We recognize that each client is unique, with their own aspirations, challenges, and goals. This understanding forms the foundation of our approach to accounting and financial management.